It’s a nostalgic time. Bringing back to my mind about my mobiles….now I m with my fourth handset and its time to give word of appreciation for my old three beautiful, helpful mobiles.
y first mobile it was Nokia 2600. First, one is the first one; do not know much about cell phones and their functionality…so dumb even do not know how to create
the contacts (bas abb isse jyada apne tarif nahi karunge) whatsoever but this piece truly helped me a lot. In fact helped at the time when everyone enjoyed his or her deep sleep at the night time, use to give a call to maa after coming back from unusual shift. My first phone cost me around 4000 bugs do
not have much apps in it, but it was a color mobile with radio (that time much more than anticipated). Accompanied me in my goods and in my bad for 1.5 years. Lost this piece in a friend’s party.
After Nokia, it was time for Samsung J-600 a simple, sleek and

beautiful piece…truly ladies piece with feather touch option. Now with better technologies bought a phone with camera, MP3 and Blue tooth option. The only long running phone in my list, which has given service for three plus year. This piece is still with me but in aged condition…poor piece just counting the days… :( I spent around 6000 bugs’ for this gorgeous piece.
ame technoholics and bought Samsung galaxy pop, an android phone…the apps are suitable for me not to advanced and not too plain. The world was in my hand with the ANDROID, Apps Downloading, Face book, Google, G talk and many more options. Just the right piece in my sort. As the technologies are getting better, the ranges are also varying from four to 6 to 9 plus. Galaxy knows all my secrets shared with my near and dear one. God has once shown me indication to be watchful with this cell when I first misplaced it in an auto but fortunately got my cell back but as saying is there “all days are not the same”, unfortunately, second time the auto was not lucky for me and lost my secret holder.
Ongoing the Samsung legacy bought another same brand cell…this time with dual Sim with touch option but having nominal features. Still adjusting with this piece, hard to overcome with the last one but finally got realization that mobiles are primary useful for communications.